Speaking Engagements

David is a dynamic conference speaker and is now accepting invitations to conferences, seminars, churches among other forums within Tennessee. His message to the Body of Christ bridges the gap between theology and therapy showcasing them as allies and complementary contrary to the popularly long held inaccurate and damaging belief that they are adversarial.

David believes that this one lie is the reason why the church has not completely demonstrated the brightness of its glory as it was originally intended to by its owner.

Reach out to the ministry office by email at: accuracy.center@gmail.com

The Villagers

To read The Villagers proposal, click above.

Amani Therapy Services LLC is a partner of The Villagers.
If you are interested in participating in ‘The Villagers’ free monthly zoom meetings, or would like to start a Villagers hub in your state, country, or community, please email us at; thevillagers901@gmail.com

Amani Therapy Services LLC partners with The Cyrus Community:

